Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Affordable Care Act Reform - 1543 Words

The Affordable Care Act passed in 2010 and signed by President Obama on March 23, 2010. The vision was to reform the health-care in America worked and dramatically decreases the number of uninsured individuals. President Barack Obama campaigned aggressively under the phrase’ â€Å"Yes We Can†. In the end â€Å"Yes he did† get the health-care reform legislation past and set into motion the overall of health insurance decades in the making. Many of the major objectives of the Affordable Care Act were setup to be implemented over time, most of which will be in place by 2016. Until then it is somewhat difficult to determine the true impact of the Affordable Care Act on individuals and their medical care and the financial impact of the costs. As,†¦show more content†¦The objective was clear the time for health-care reform was now, how that objective was going to be met was unclear. In William Custer’s article Risk Adjustment and the Affordable Care Act states, â€Å"There has been a sharp decline in private coverage over the last decade, and concurrent increases in public coverage and the number of uninsured† (Custer PhD, 2013). The passage of the Affordable Care Act set out in grand fashion to meet overcome some of these challenges. House Bill 3590 titled the Affordable Care Act provides changes to some very vital areas of medical coverage, including such things as: no lifetime or annual coverage limits, prohibition of rescissions, coverage of preventative health services and extension of dependent coverage and the creation of uniform explanation of coverage documents and standardized definitions (House of Representatives, 2010). Individuals who have major medical conditions will no longer struggle to maintain the coverage they so desperately need to care for their medical condition and maintain the best quality health condition. Health Insurance providers can no longer deny coverage to an individual due to a medical condition, pre-existing or newly diagnosed. Arguably one of the key areas in regards to improved health coverage was in the area of preventative health services. Insuring dependants to the age of 26 will dramatically increase the

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